Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The front yard is finally done!

While I was attending girls camp June 16-20th Pete gathered up some help and laid the sod in our front yard. It is looking good but needs a little more tender loving care. There are flowers along both sides of the walk but you can't see them very well in this picture. Amber and her kids planted them for us. As they spread out it will be very pretty! The black post that you see on the left side of the sidewalk is an old horse tie up post that Pete acquired.

Grandkid playhouse

We have added a picnic table to the side of the playhouse for the grandkids to eat on. We hope to add flower boxes under the windows one of these days. The lawn is greening up nicely.

Progress in the back yard!

Pete, along with the help of Daniel Stottler, has spent many hours working on the back yard. The garden boxes worked out great and the shed is for storing the 4-wheeler and lawn mowers.
We hope to side the shed like the house. We are happy with how things are turning out. The cement pad by the shed will be for a future dutch oven waist high pit. Like those at Cathedral Gorge. You won't have to bend over to cook! That will have to be a project for next year.