Friday, August 22, 2008

We have moved in!

I know that it has been several months since I posted anything on this site and for that I can only say......we've been too busy finishing up the house and moving in to sit down to the computer to post!
On our 29th Wedding Anniversary which was July 12th, we spent our first night in the house. Camille came up from Vegas and worked like a pack mule for three days. She would haul load after load from the garage to the new house. Up and down stairs for hours on end. Before that, she spent a day just cleaning all of the dust from the new home so we could move in. We are truly grateful for her help.
It is exhausting to say the least, to move anywhere let alone build and then move.
We are beginning to feel at home here finally and although every room has little things that need patching or touching up, we can relax a bit for now. Each day we try to do just one or two things on our "still to do" list.
I'll try to post pictures of the finished rooms very soon.


Camille said...

I'll just go ahead and pat myself on the back, because YES, I am AWESOME!!!! ;)
you know I love ya!!

SandS said...

Congrats!!!!! tell petrie i said hello!!! i'm so happy for you guys!!!

Bleak's said...

I forgot to take pictures to put on my blog so you guys so need to get some up on yours.... then I can steal them!