Thursday, June 11, 2009

End of the year for Exchange Students

The exchange students from L to R. Wai Yan (Hong Kong), Andreas (Norway) Sabrina (Germany) Topias (Finland) Ase Berit (Norway)

Our exchange student, Ase Berit Fauske from Norway, has completed her Senior Year at LCHS! She got to walk with the class but none of the exchange students received a diploma because the school district does not offer them to exchange students. Pete made them all certificates of completion that looked very nice. We had a great group of students this year. We will miss them and hope that they always remember Lincoln County Nevada!


Camille said...

I'm glad you did a post for her! She is so cute- one of my favorites for sure! :)

carolyn said...

Your life looks so fun! Sky diving, exchange students, missionary, grand babies! Good for your guys. I hope you are all well and that things really are great for you and your family. We would love to get together and catch up sometime. Take Care